STRAYS, THE MUSICAL is a pet-centric show celebrating the love we share with cats and dogs. Cast 12 to 30+ actors of any age or type, with minimal sets/costumes.
Special thanks to Theatricks Advisory Council, Theatricks/SCP Administrative Director Webster Crocker and the SCP Board.
Premiered November 6-7-8, 2014 at the Honey McGee Playhouse, Sherman, Texas under the direction of Frank Steele and Amy Shojai.
Licensed and produced April 28-30, 2016 by Hartman Middle School, Houston, Texas under the direction of Robert Powell.
Revival Production; February 28-29, 2020 at the Rialto Theater, Denison, Texas under the direction of Frank Steele and Amy Shojai.
STRAYS, THE MUSICAL explores furry foibles from the PETS’ point of view. The actors give voice to a variety of cat and dog characters in this hilarious–and often moving–musical review “drama-dy” that seeks to edu-tain audiences about normal pet behavior while honoring the bond we share with them.
Eleven original songs from blues and gospel to Celtic and calypso showcase 20+ individual pets’ stories as they search for a forever-home. Meet wide-eyed hopeful PUPPY, feisty scrappy KITTEN, opinionated QUEEN CAT, laugh out loud at the comical HOUND DOG, and loveable clueless BLUESY DOG. Enjoy show dog SWAGGER explain his winning streak and hear LUCKY CAT’s story of survival. Hear GOSPEL CAT testify how pets inspire and delight their chosen humans. Root for all the strays, including the haunted lonely PARIAH CAT, to be finally accepted and find love on adoption day.
Playwrights Amy Shojai and Frank Steele are both passionate pet advocates. STRAYS, THE MUSICAL is written especially with pet lovers in mind. The review-format show runs approximately two hours in a mix of funny to poignant scenes (with and without music) and is designed to be modular–that is, it can be licensed for performance using only the cat-specific, dog-specific or general (both) content that best suits the audience. The authors hope it will be widely used in pet-specific fund-raising efforts.
Get the script with vocals here, and the piano-vocal Score here.
Licensing the play for performance grants the producers access to 15 discounted (non-returnable) scripts, as well as (returnable) orchestrated rehearsal/performance CD and piano/vocal score, and marketing materials/support. In addition, (optional) video projection CD with files, cast recording, and DVD of original production are available. Please indicate requested performance date(s), venue/# seating, proposed ticket price, and audience (public/private).
A limited number of the original CAST RECORDING available from the playwrights.
For licensing and/or perusal contact SHOJAI-STEELE-PLAYS @ (no spaces) with STRAYS in the subject line.
Thank you to CAT FANCY MAGAZINE for this paw-some press! Scroll down for a short video sample from our Opening Night.
“We did this show at our Middle School in Houston, Texas and it was so well received by the audience, that we got a great deal of feedback from everyone who watched it. The music is delightful and fun to put on. If you want a musical that is easy to stage, a delight to put on, has simple costumes, and a musical score that is just perfect I would recommend this show. It would be good to do at any level, Middle School, High School, College, and Community Theatre. I had a blast producing STRAYS: the MUSICAL, and I fully intend to do it again.” Robert Powell, Director, Mays Middle School, Houston, Texas
Scroll down for an EXCERPT from the opening night performance of STRAYS (filmed by Mike Marlow) on November 6, 2014.
STAGED READING was held MARCH 22 7:00 Honey McGee Playhouse, Sherman, TX.
“STRAYS at the Honey McGee Playhouse tonight was such a treat – the full production will be happening in the fall, and it is going to be amazing! Kudos to co-authors Amy Shojai and Frank Steele for a great show full of humor, poignancy, and the love of dogs and cats…” Susan McGinn
The song RAINBOW PETS from the show (above, recorded by Amy Shojai) debuted at a Cat Writers’ Association conference. Several more of the songs were premiered at the 20th Annual CWA Conference on November 1, 2013:
Strays: The Musical truly is a Broadway-worthy production, and I say this as a long-time New Yawker with many dozens of Broadway show ticket stubs among my souvenirs. Let’s face it: when you’re gaga about animals, that passion sometimes can cloud your judgment.
Cast for the CWA Preview performance (songs only) of STRAYS, THE MUSICAL: L-R: Amy Shojai, Frank Steele, SuEllen Davis, Gil Nelson and Theresa Littlefield
Not in this case. My favorite part of any musical, including classic opera, is when two or more voices blend together in complex harmonies. When the cast of Strays sang in unison in the number “Rainbow Pets,” I was S-O-L-D. I saw Cats on Broadway three times during its 18-year run, and I think this show could be its heir, both musically and in its lyric. Wouldn’t it be grand to see our own Amy’s musical go that far? Reach millions of people with the message of how all cats (and dogs) need our understanding, compassion, and care? Really, folks, this is for real. Check it out and pass it on. —Marion Lane, formerly of the ASPCA
Excerpts from the Preview show presented at the 20th Annual CWA Conference on November 1, 2013
Pam Hamer leads her Dillingham Middle School on April 10, 2014 spring concert choir singing NORMAL from the Strays show…the students nailed the rap–and educated the audience about pet behavior problems and solutions!