Amy Shojai, CABC: Pet-Centric Author
Joy-Filled Books Where Good Always Wins
As Seen On...
I didn’t set out to
be a writer.
Nope, I planned to star on Broadway despite my shyness. Or live in a cave with a pet lion and wolf. Even as a kid, I dreamed big.
I always loved animals though.
Becoming a Vet Technician (a totally happy accident), I learned to translate “medicalese” to help pet parents understand complicated jargon and with encouragement I started writing these stories down and submitting them. Working with veterinary experts helped me achieve certification as an animal behavior consultant. Plenty of book rejection letters came my way, until in 1992 a New York editor who read my articles offered me two book contracts! Dozens of pet books followed–what a joy to live this author’s dream life!
Crappiocca happens.
After 911, nobody wanted pet books anymore–ACK! So to recapture peace and search for my happy place, I wrote the thriller I’d always wanted to read–including a dog viewpoint character. See, I want to live in a world where good always wins, and our animal friends never die. So I created that world in my pet-centric suspense thrillers. I longed for a safe place to visit filled with exciting adventure, bad guys who get what they deserve, furry cat and dog heroes, and happy endings. And guess what? I discovered sensitive pet loving readers yearn for the same thing.
That first roller-coaster story turned into a thriller series. Today, my 35+ award-winning “how-to” nonfiction pet books help banish embarrassing uncertainty about behavior and care issues. And in my pet-centric suspense thrillers, readers experience plenty of spine-tingling adventure (with PG language that won’t embarrass!). And the dog and cat heroes NEVER, ever die!
I no longer limit my dreams.
I still write the books that sensitive pet lovers love to read. They’re available everywhere…but I’m thrilled to offer my readers deeply discounted books (Ebooks, audiobooks, paperback, and hardcover) when purchased from my personal store (below).
Ask Amy
Now you know a bit about me, I’d love to hear about you. What do you love to read (or write)? And what furry wonders share your heart? Subscribe to my newsletter to share.
You’ll find lots of pet-centric resources here, from pet care books to thrillers, writing tips, and theater scripts. Browse away to find the book (or five!) you’ve always wanted to read!
I’m Available to Speak!
Choose your poison: In person, virtually, or on-demand webinars to address pet questions, writing and publishing, or even (gasp!) drama-mamma stuff! Check it out here.