Ask Amy
Plus some Fun Free Schtuff
I blog, I speak, I send newsletters, I post videos – there’s so many ways to ask me schtuff.
Follow Amy

Have cat and dog questions? Just ask Amy Shojai… in my newsletter, blogs, books, youtube, social media…yes, I get around.
I offer several newsletters for your reading and pet-loving pleasure. These FREE E-Newsletters answer many of your pet health and behavior questions, with pet-centric news, Amy appearances, thriller-icity info, advice, and contest offers.
Oh, and free books and excerpts. Did I mention FREE? Just CLICK on the link below, for your pick of the litter-atti:
Newsletters come directly to your in-box a few times a month. You can read what you like and pass on to other pet-loving fiction-reading friends. And you can unsubscribe anytime.
Pet Peeves

Fiction Fans

Bling, Bitches & Blood Blog
Visit my Bling, Bitches, & Blood Blog!
You won’t have to ask Amy…cuz you’ll find bunches of FREE dog and cat behavior and care info-tainment on the blog. That’s another place I announce new books and appearances. Prefer videos?
Head over to my Ask Amy YouTube channel, and subscribe to get all the latest.
The NAME THAT DOG and NAME THAT CAT contests for each thriller live on the blog. Winners become hero-characters in the story, plus paw-tographed copy when the book releases.
Amy’s Write Schuff Advice
Passing it Forward
I frequently speak at conferences in person or virtually, but you won’t have to ask Amy in person. I put together a series of on-demand writer-icity webinars. They answer all the must-know answers of writing and publishing. Eventually, I may publish them in a book.
For now, you can find the whole series by clicking the WRITE SCHTUFF box. And to get you started, the first one’s free:

Beat Writer’s Block, stay Motivated & Write the #$%^! Book…
(even if you have only 10 minutes a day!)
Get Must-Know Tips for Planning & Plotting Your book. FREE for limited time!
What’re those initials after your name?
The CABC stands for Certified Animal Behavior Consultant for both cats and dogs. I’m certified through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. I’m also a Certified Fear Free Professional. And yes, I do one-on-one behavior consults from time to time.
Honestly, my pet behavior books and on-demand webinars reach many more pet parents than the individual consults. These days, I concentrate on reaching as many folks as possible.
On demand webinars!
More on-demand webinars are in the works, but if none of my books answer your questions, click the link below to get you started:

With the recent !@#$%TY!! pandemic, my in-person appearances are on hiatus. However, I’m still available for virtual talks and appearances via ZOOM or Skype or similar.
Reach out to me via email amy @ (no spaces) and we’ll figure something out.
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