Amy’s Write Schtuff Advice
On-Demand Webinars of writer-icity must-knows
Hey there, nice to *virtually* meet you. I love meeting other writers. About me? I’m Amy . . . author of 35+ fiction & nonfiction books. You’re here to learn about my WRITE SCHTUFF COACHING, based on my decades of experience as both a traditionally published and “indie” author. Now I earn higher royalties than ever before, by working smarter, not harder. And you can, too, with my FREE and low-cost on-demand WEBINARS!
I’ve always been about mentoring, and this is my chance to give back because, frankly, I’ll probably learn as much from YOU as you will from ME.
Over the years, I’ve taught writing and publishing sessions at dozens of writer conferences and for corporate clients, from Cat Writers’ Association to Oklahoma Writers Federation, Texas Thespian Festival and ThrillerFest in New York.
If you’re like many writers, you HATE LEAVING HOME, hate the time away, and hate the cost of travel and expense of professional conferences. I’d rather hang out with my furry inspirations, Karma-Kat and Bravo-Boy.
So — access my ON-DEMAND WEBINARS, and watch in your jammies with a pet on your lap!
Topics cover all the must-knows about publishing, from Ebooks to print and audio, as well as promotion and branding. There’s even one on how to include PETS in your fiction story.
These sessions address your writer-icity pain with prescriptive how-to advice, whether you’re multi-published or writing your first book. A couple are FREE and the others I’ve priced low to help as many folks as possible.
Like the EverWebinar platforms? Way-kewl, right? You can learn more about that here.
Beat Writer’s Block, stay Motivated & Write the #$%^! Book…
(even if you have only 10 minutes a day!)
Get Must-Know Tips for Planning & Plotting Your book. FREE for limited time!
Writing Like Cats & Dogs How to Include Believable Animal Characters in Fiction
It goes beyond sticking a dog or cat in the story as a prop, or (gasp!) a victim for shock value. Don’t do that. But animal companions add so much to the texture and engagement of fiction, learn the does and don’ts for making your non-human characters resonate with readers.
How to Publish Ebooks & Why You Should
Ebooks are the current gold standard of hybrid and “indie” publishing. A variety of formats and Ereaders make your books accessible to readers around the world, at an economical and convenient price point.
Get step-by-step publishing advice about Kindle, Kobo, iBooks, and GooglePlay with detailed formatting tips for straight text or how to include illustrations, covers, and table of contents.
Learn about the most popular “aggregators” that provide turnkey options for busy authors.
Author Blogging 101: Why Author Blogging Sucks
You got a book contract–CONGRATS!–but your editor says author blogging is vital. How do you start? What should you blog? Why blog at all?
A well planned and executed blog builds your audience, creates content for future books, and enhances your author credibility. It can even get you more book contracts.
Learn how to make your author blog work, and why most author blogs fail. Learn about blog platforms, choosing content, scheduling effectively, monetizing your blog, copyright and FTC disclosure issues and more.
Creating Book Proposals for Nonfiction & Fiction
In the publishing arena, formal book proposals serve as sales tools sent to editors and publishers. Traditional publishers offer contracts based on the content of the reviewed proposal.
Nonfiction and fiction proposals use different formats and content. Authors seeking traditional publication must prepare professional sales materials designed to “sell” the editor and/or publisher on the merit of the manuscript.
Learn how to choose saleable topics, build an impressive bio, query (or not), and craft the proposal. This includes what components make up the nonfiction book proposal vs a pitch proposal for fiction, how to format your package and create your competition/market survey. It also includes tips for finding expert sources.
Book Promotion Made Easy
Book promotion and author branding, in combination, help make a book successful. Writing a brilliant book comes first, of course, but readers must be able to find your work to purchase and read it. That means DISCOVERABILITY.
The session also addresses ways to define, enhance, and build your author brand to create credibility as the go-to expert in your field.
For your book to be discovered amid the masses of published work requires effort on several fronts. This coaching call outlines basic principles for book promotion before, during, and after publication. Learn about popular and effective free-to-pricy advertising options.
Hone your media pitch for TV, podcasts, or other appearances with interview presentation tips, production how-to advice.
Publish Print Books–How To Do It
Choose from trim sizes with black and white or color interiors, cover finishes, and even hardback editions complete with fancy book covers.
Offer physical books at online venues, as prizes, and at speaking appearances. Many readers prefer print books, especially for gift giving or collectible editions. A published print book is a low-cost effort that increases your book’s discoverability–and saleability.
Get a pro-and-con look at your print publishing options, from free to pay-to-play services. You’ll receive step-by-step set-up tips for interior manuscript formatting, cover creation techniques, and more.
Publish Audiobooks: Why You Should & How to Do It
Today, folks seem more scattered than ever before, multi-tasking on their phones or iPads while commuting, walking the dog, or cooking dinner. Audiobooks popularity continues to grow for that reason. Every author-preneur should include audiobooks at some point.
While it can be pricey to hire it done, there are ways to royalty-share while earning income. Some authors are uniquely qualified to “voice” their own books. Learn about the current DIY audio platforms available, how to turn your print/Ebook into audio, and why you should.
Transition from Nonfiction to Fiction
Are you a nonfiction writer now writing fiction? Nonfiction writers have an advantage over fiction-only writers IF they learn how to leverage their existing nonfiction writing platform.
Learn how to transition to writing fiction — AND VICE VERSA (maybe you’re a FICTION author who wants to write a nonfiction book!)
Learn how to jump-start a fiction career, understand what’s the same or different, and how to build on your nonfiction success.
Amy speaks about Animal Behavior too!
With decades of experience as a certified animal behavior consultant for cats and dogs, and a passionate pet advocate, Amy offers presentations on a variety of pet behavioral topics.
Amy’s spoken at…….
I also have a large selection of Acting, Directing and Theatre workshops available and I’m happy to consider bringing these fun sessions to your school or theater.
Book Amy to Speak about Writer-icity Topics
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